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The commissioner of the COC and Olympic athlete David Svoboda did not deny the will of the athletes he represents and was punished

Svoboda was reprimanded and will go with Černochová to the Ukrainians

The athlete David Svoboda will end up on the Czech Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission and will receive a written reprimand for his remarks. At the same time, he will go to Libava to talk to Ukrainian soldiers. David Svoboda, a former Olympian and member of the Prague Dukla, will receive a written reprimand for his remarks on Czech television regarding the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in international competitions or the Olympics and the relativisation of the war in Ukraine. Svoboda will also travel to Ukrainian soldiers in Libava to hear their stories.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/svoboda-dostal-vytku-a-pojede-s-cernochovou-za-ukrajinci
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