HN locked the website, gained over 6.000 subscribers
Four and a half months after charging for all original articles on the website, Hospodářské noviny has gained over 6,000 subscribers to its news website Specifically, it now has 5,037 monthly subscriptions and 1,182 annual subscriptions. A total of 12,330 so-called single articles, individual materials, were purchased. The retention rate of subscribers, i.e. the proportion of those who renewed their subscriptions, was 79%.
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MAFRA reports 100 thousand active iDNES Premium subscribers
The news portal iDNES has announced that it has surpassed the 100,000 active users with an iDNES Premium subscription. So far, iDNES Premium users have read more than 26,000 premium articles on, and, downloaded audiobooks 97,741 times, downloaded e-books 50,022 times, watched movies online 112,804 times and purchased 41,256 tickets to selected concerts and cultural events in advance sales or at discounted prices
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