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The National Economic Council of the Government proposes to introduce dismissal without cause, as in the time of the feudal lords

Termination without cause takes us back to the days of the robot, warns Středula. Zikes for employers opposes the wave of dismissals

In the Czech Republic, according to the National Economic Council of the Government, it is necessary to reform the labour market to kick-start the economy. One of the measures should be the possibility of termination without giving a reason. “You won’t even be able to defend yourself in court,” says Josef Středula, head of the trade union. Employers, on the other hand, would welcome the move. “But we don’t want to see a sudden mass dismissal without giving a reason. Please don’t,” emphasises Jan Zikeš of the Confederation of Employers’ Unions.

Source : https://plus.rozhlas.cz/vypoved-bez-duvodu-nas-vraci-do-casu-roboty-varuje-stredula-vlnu-propusteni
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