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A mouthful of empty words, a major turnaround or how Robert Fico’s biggest hater found out that everything could be completely different

Robert Fico’s absolute flop – he did nothing at all (commentary by Petr Bárdy)

A mouthful of empty words and unfulfilled promises. The commentary is published as part of a series of articles on the 35th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution of 17 November 1989. With a great deal of cynicism, he claims not to have noticed November 1989. But it is not true. It was only thanks to the Velvet Revolution that Robert Fico was able to become a four-time prime minister and to make a boy from a working-class family the most powerful man in the state. However, after a career of over thirty years in Slovak post-revolutionary politics, the potential party cadre from Topoľčany remained in the shadow of the communist leaders of socialist Czechoslovakia. And it is actually a terrible shame how he failed fatally in comparison with them.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/absolutny-prepadak-roberta-fica-neurobil-vobec-nic-komentar-petra-bardyho/

Did Robert Fico bet on a new world order? (commentary by Petr Bárdy)

Prime Minister Fico’s reason for being in Russia gives room for speculation. One of the most important questions of the turn of the year is what was the real reason for Robert Fico’s visit to the Kremlin. What did he and Vladimir Putin talk about, reportedly for up to three hours? It could easily have been the issue of gas supplies via Ukraine, which have stopped flowing to us following the termination of the transit contract between Ukraine and Russia. And let us not be surprised that the Ukrainians have not signed a new contract, because Putin is also financing the war against them by selling gas, and Moscow has done nothing to ensure that the contract is renewed. The conditions it set for itself were unacceptable to Kiev.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/stavil-si-robert-fico-na-novy-svetovy-poriadok-komentar-petra-bardyho/

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