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Minister Bek, tired from a three-day work week, raced home with a beacon through the emergency alley

Three days at work, then home with the lighthouse. Minister Bek drove down the lifeguard alley

The Czech Education Ministry is reimbursing Mikuláš Bek (STAN), a politician from abroad, more than CZK 57 000 per month so that he and his family can be in Prague from Monday to Friday. But now it turns out that the head of the ministry not only does not spend entire weeks in the metropolis, but also uses a beacon during his trips home to Moravia, which guarantees him absolute right of way. This is what happened on Thursday 16 May. On the 85th kilometre of the D1 motorway in Vysočina in the direction of Brno, a semi-trailer of a truck carrying cars caught fire. They were also engulfed in flames and traffic on the main link between Bohemia and Moravia came to a standstill for several hours. But not for everyone.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/mikulas-bek-ministr-politik-skolstvi-jizda
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