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Little disabled Czech person, participation in social insurance does not automatically mean a disability pension if needed

After a trivial operation, the man almost died. But he’s “not disabled enough for retirement.”

The patient sues the Karviná-Raj Hospital. He claims that he almost died due to negligence of care. Now his health has deteriorated again and he is allegedly unable to work. However, he fell just short of a disability pension and therefore describes the situation as “liquidating”. He is not wanted at work because of his poor health, but he has not been able to obtain a disability pension. “I don’t know what to do next,” shrugs Lukáš Kozel, a man in his thirties. At the end of 2021, the former lumberjack and truck driver sought medical attention at an outpatient clinic in Orlová, which is part of the Karviná-Ráj hospital. The reason was a small thing – his toenail was growing in.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/po-banalni-operaci-muz-skoro-zemrel-na-duchod-je-ale-malo-invalidni
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