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The beleaguered FAU company is paralysed, the customs officers just have to believe that nothing can happen to them

Customs officials believe they were justified in seizing FAU’s property. They will appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court

The Customs Administration will appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court over the revoked seizure orders against FAU. The seizure orders were cancelled by the Ostrava Regional Court on Friday, but the customs officials do not agree and insist that the company committed tax fraud. “The General Directorate of Customs is convinced that the legal prerequisites for issuing the seizure orders were met, also in light of the recent case law of the Supreme Administrative Court,” said Martina Kaňková, spokeswoman for the customs administration.

Source : https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/celnici-veri-ze-majetek-fau-zajistili-opravnene-obrati-se-na-nejvyssi-spravni-soud
“My parents have put a spell on them.” Babis was caught up in a secret recording, the prosecutor is busy

MP Andrej Babiš is in trouble. The prosecutor will have to investigate whether he committed perjury in court. This is in a case in which Babiš’s interests as owner of Agrofert and Minister of Finance clashed six years ago. Six years later, Andrej Babiš was caught by a sentence he uttered as finance minister in a private but secretly recorded meeting. “My parents are cursed, the motherfuckers,” were the six words he uttered as finance minister in a wiretapped conversation, which were published on social media by the Šuman Group profile in 2017.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/babise-u-soudu-grilovali-kvuli-zaklekavani-zamotal-se-zalobce-ma-praci-232246
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