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Subsidies for kindergartens in poorer regions, only 8 smaller towns to benefit due to error

The Czechia set the wrong subsidies for kindergartens in the hundreds of millions of euros. Only eight smaller towns will get the money

Senator Zbyněk Linhart criticizes the rules for allocating subsidies to support nurseries. According to him, municipalities that only want to repair their kindergartens, not expand them, should be entitled to receive money. The Czech Republic has a total of three quarters of a billion Czech crowns earmarked to support nurseries in poorer regions. However, the responsible ministry has set the rules of the subsidy programme in such a way that most nurseries are not eligible for the money. So far, only eight municipalities out of eight regions have been able to apply for the money, which has led to criticism from the Senate.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/cesko-nastavilo-spatne-stamilionove-dotace-pro-skolky-na-penize-dosahne-jen-osm-mensich-mest
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