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Google calendar according to živě.cz gets people not to the 20th but straight to the 21st century

A 21st century president. Petr Pavel shared his Google calendar with journalists

During the Miloš Zeman era, the Castle closed itself off to information and the president made it clear several times that he considers journalists to be morons. On Saturday, President-elect Petr Pavel spoke out against such sentiment and promised to turn things around. One came earlier than with the March inauguration. We verified the report from Lucie Stuchlíková (Seznam Zprávy, podcast Vlevo Dole) about sharing Google Calendar with Petr Pavel’s agenda with our colleagues from our publishing house (E15, Blesk) and it was really no problem to get a screenshot.

Source : https://www.zive.cz/prezident-z-21-stoleti-petr-pavel-nasdilel-novinarum-svuj-google-kalendar/
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