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There’s nothing a Czech can’t steal or rob, Toi Toi toilets producer sues local company

The legal battle over plastic “caddies”. Don’t misuse our Toi Toi name, sues German firm

A mobile toilet, or simply toitoika? The German manufacturer denies that the name of its product has become humanised and can be freely used as a synonym. Is the name “toitoika” so common that it can be used as a generic term for a mobile toilet? And where is the limit to the use of a name registered by a competitor to promote its own company or service? Such a case must now be resolved by a specialized panel of the Municipal Court in Prague. It has been approached by the German company Toi Toi & Dixi Group, which is suing a domestic competitor for misuse of its protected name for mobile toilets.

Source : https://domaci.hn.cz/pravni-bitva-o-plastove-bdquo-kadibudky-ldquo-nezneuzivejte-nas-nazev-toi-toi-soudi-se-nemecka-firma
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