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German Kaufland tempts Czechs to nostalgia, sells Pilsner beer for half the price of 16 CZK

German Kaufland kills off the Czechs. Pilsner beer at a price that was here ten years ago. They’re already calling Fiala, this is impossible

And indeed, a glance at the current Kaufland leaflet speaks volumes. A bottle of twenty Pilsner Urquell beers is available here with a club card for a mere EUR 13.33. The last time we bought this beer for this price in the Czech Republic was ten years ago, even when it was on sale.

Source : https://www.mix24.cz/nemecky-kaufland-odrovnal-cechy-pivo-plzen-za-cenu-ktera-tu-byla-pred-deseti-lety-uz-volaji-fialu-tohle-neni-mozne/
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