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Defence concluded a contract with Gema Art Group, the company manipulated the reconstruction of the Kuks hospital

Defence has entered into a contract with a company whose employees were convicted of rigging the reconstruction of Kuks

The Ministry of Defence has concluded a contract for the reconstruction of the interiors of the government squadron at Ruzyně Airport with the Gema Art Group, whose employees were convicted of manipulating the reconstruction of Kuks Castle. The ministry is to pay a total of CZK 21 705 358 including VAT for these construction and renovation works. Despite the fact that the company’s employees were convicted, the company submitted an affidavit that the contractor had not been convicted of a criminal offence, both as an individual and as a legal entity.

Source : https://ekonomickydenik.cz/obrana-uzavrela-smlouvu-s-firmou-jejiz-zamestnanci-byli-odsouzeni-za-zmanipulovanou-rekonstrukci-kuksu/
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