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The Funny Bunny Films commercial thinks that a Czech is 2x more superior and 3x more culturally advanced than a stupid Slovak

Czech advertising has outraged the Slovaks. It is sexist and ridicules

Commercial for Funny Bunny Films. Slovaks are protesting against the Czech ad, which they say mocks them and is sexist. The authors of the clip defend themselves by saying they did not want to offend anyone. “Every cow is happy here,” is the slogan of the controversial advert for Prague’s Máneska restaurant, which has angered Slovaks on social media. The spot was made by young filmmaker Jakub Štáfek of Funny Bunny Films and cast Slovak actress Zuzana Stavna, who played a naive, chatty girl in the ad.

Source : https://magazin.aktualne.cz/ceska-reklama-pobourila-slovaky-je-sexisticka-a-zesmesnuje/
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