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They concentrate on the front yard and then go out to eat, not all Pardubice residents like it

The area in front of Pardubice railway station is occupied by rats, they are attracted by garbage

The area in front of the Pardubice train station is infested with rats. There are dozens of them running around in the evening. They are concentrated in the front yard of the now closed restaurant, where the Railway Administration moved containers during the renovation of the station. People waiting for their relatives and friends in the K+R car park in front of the beautiful functionalist building of the station hotel in Pardubice now have company they could certainly do without every evening. The place where guests used to sip coffee and watch the bustle of Jan Perner Square has been taken over by rats.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/kontejnery-potkani-pardubice-vlakove-nadrazi-sprava-zeleznic
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