A record number of “gastarbeiters” are working on Slovak pensions. Ukrainians, Serbs and Romanians dominate
The number of people from abroad working in Slovakia is growing slowly but in the long term. Most of them are from Ukraine, followed by Serbs, Romanians and people from the other side of Moravia. The government plans to simplify the process of recruiting workers from so-called third countries. The development of the domestic labour market is also considered a risk by the chairman of SOPK Peter Mihók. Slovakia is ageing and dying out. The country’s population fell for the second year in a row the year before last. All this is putting pressure on our social system, but also on our labour market, where it is becoming harder and harder to fill jobs. Just recently, for example, the media reported that bus companies in the vicinity of Košice or Trenčín had to cancel some suburban services or trams. They are short of drivers.
Source : https://hnonline.sk/na-slovenske-dochodky-pracuje-rekordne-vela-gastarbeiterov-dominuju-ukrajinci-srbi-a-rumuni