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The Praga V3S weighs 7 tons with a full tanker, the fact that a 3x heavier rig doesn’t go to the fire is attributed to genius, not weight

The firefighter’s fan was sparkling. It made it to a fire where other vehicles couldn’t make it

Brilliantly simple, simply brilliant. That’s how the volunteer firefighters from Jindřichovice in the Sokolov region talk about the Praga V3S special. The last time they saw this was on Thursday’s fire in a forest rake near Olovo. The heavy equipment got about a kilometre above the fire site. However, driving the large tanker directly to the fire proved to be an unnecessary risk due to the steep hill. And that was the moment for a “shakeout”.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/praga-v3s-vejtraska-hasici-jindrichovice-zasah-pozar-olovi
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