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Over three and a half thousand inhabitants have declined, but Jan describes a completely different reality of Silesia, the inhabitants are zen-like satisfied

Czechs do not want more money. They are satisfied with what is

The author of the newsletter comes from Silesia and has family and friends there whom he visits regularly. He knows that swearing at Prague people who just sit in offices and take millions is one of the region’s favourite leisure activities. He therefore expected that the topic would be a success. But he was fatally mistaken. The Silesians obviously have no desire for “Prague” money and are zen-like content with their lives as they are.

Source : https://byznys.hn.cz/cesi-vice-penez-nechteji-jsou-spokojeni-s-tim-co-je
A number of regions are becoming depopulated, especially Moravian-Silesia. Prague and its surroundings are growing the most

In the first half of this year, the population declined in most regions, and in many places this is a long-term trend. The Moravian-Silesian Region is suffering the most from depopulation, while Prague and Central Bohemia have recorded significant growth. In Moravia, only the South Moravian Region saw an increase in population. This is based on data published by the Czech Statistical Office. The Moravian-Silesian Region remains the long-term record holder in depopulation. Between the beginning and the middle of 2020, over three and a half thousand inhabitants died there, most of them in the Ostrava-město district.

Source : https://zpravyzmoravy.cz/rada-kraju-se-vylidnuje-hlavne-moravskoslezsko-nejvic-roste-praha-a-blizke-okoli/
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