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No fever-reducing syrup for the little ones thanks to the crisis, then they found out that there are plenty of medicines in Poland and they are even cheaper

Czechs buy medicines in Poland. They are cheaper and there are enough of them

Despite the efforts and promises of the state, Czech pharmacies are still plagued by a shortage of certain drugs. There are no over-the-counter syrups and suppositories to reduce fever for the youngest children from three months, but also antibiotics for adults on prescription or eye drops. In neighbouring Poland, medicines are available and often cheaper than in our country, and even a printed prescription from a doctor can be used in pharmacies there. So people go shopping there or order them over the internet.

Zdroj: https://www.idnes.cz/leky-deti-polsko-nedostatek-sukl-kapky-cipky-panadol
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