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The Czech Republic is not exempt from corruption, you can come across this description of the situation even in one of the most corrupt countries in the world

Rotten country. Researchers have studied corruption in building permits and health care, with sport the worst offender

Corruption does not avoid the Czech Republic. New research by the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences is unique. It focuses on what corruption looks like in different parts of public life. When people say “bribe”, money probably comes to mind. But corruption takes many forms. It could be the head of a wild boar that a player gave to a football referee, or a gold watch for allowing a black building. But it can also be an envelope of money for a custom-built contract. The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences conducted a large-scale survey, focusing not so much on the level of corruption as on its form in six different sectors. Something different is typical for each.

Source : https://cc.cz/prohnila-zeme-vedci-zkoumali-korupci-v-povolovani-staveb-i-ve-zdravotnictvi-nejhur-je-na-tom-sport/
Source : https://www.economist.com/the-2023-crony-capitalism-index
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