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Emil talked about shooting anti-Semites and monkeys, the editors left out the monkeys and talked about satire

I deserve the hate, says Emil, who wrote about shooting anti-Semites

In it he wrote about the shooting of anti-Semites and nationally oriented people after the victory of Zuzana Čaputová and wrote that Slovak statehood should be destroyed. He explains that it was a clumsy satire and he just wanted to set a mirror to the other camp. But at the age of seventeen he became part of the presidential campaign and his name and photos flooded all the disinformation websites. What is it like to become the centre of the alternative scene? What lies has he read about himself, and does he even regret what he wrote on the net?

Source : https://domov.sme.sk/emil-pisal-o-strielani-antisemitov-hejt-si-zasluzim-podcast
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