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Of course it’s not true and everything was different, but a drunk policeman brutally assaulted a woman in Prague’s Smichov district

“In the name of the law, stretch your legs.” A drunk policeman brutally assaulted a woman in Smichov. The case is being investigated by the GIBS

A drunken police officer brutally assaulted a girl outside a Prague club on Nádražní Street. His girlfriend, also a police officer, joined the fight, reported news server Blesk.cz, which published footage of the incident. The case is being investigated by the General Inspectorate of Security Forces (GIBS) and an official, police spokesman Jan Daněk confirmed to Echo24. The assault was alleged to have taken place on the night of 17 February in Prague’s Nádražní Street. It is not clear what preceded it, but the video begins with a police officer in a ceremonial uniform kneeling in the roadway just outside a young woman and assaulting her.

Source : https://echo24.cz/zpravy-domov-gibs-se-zabyva-surovym-napadenim-divky-opilym-policistou
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