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The Dozimetr case saw the light of day 6 months ago, the audit of suspicious contracts still does not exist

Half a year since the Dozimetr case: the transport company is still waiting for Prague to commission audits of suspicious contracts

Among the main faces in the Dozimetr case is Petr Hlubuček, the accused deputy mayor and head of the STAN movement in Prague. He is now free, having spent 74 days in custody. In June, not only Prague but also national politics was shaken by the arrest of Prague Deputy Mayor Petr Hlubuček (STAN). He is accused of manipulating the contracts of the city’s transport company with a group of twelve other people. The opposition – which in the capital was made up of ODS and ANO – made the case called Dozimetr an election campaign issue, but what was going on in the city’s largest company and how much damage it should have suffered is still unclear.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/pul-roku-od-kauzy-dozimetr-dopravni-podnik-stale-ceka-az-praha-zada-audit
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