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Dozens of kilometres for printer cartridges or to the children’s emergency room, Slovakia has found a cure for everything

Dozens of kilometres will be travelled for help: cancellation of children’s emergency rooms will affect availability in several districts

“There is no reform in health care, there are only partial solutions to respond to reduce the impact of the collapsing system, in which we, cities and municipalities, are also looking for compromise solutions. In the end, they mean the unavailability of basic services in the place of residence, the reduction of the population in our municipalities and districts and the creation of a cluster of services in the territory, for which the residents are moving,” says Jozef Božik, President of ZMOS. According to him, the union initiated negotiations and tried to solve the problem since May last year.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/za-pomocou-budu-cestovat-desiatky-kilometrov-rusenie-detskych-pohotovosti-ovplyvni-dostupnost-vo-viacerych-okresoch/
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