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Funny dispatch goes to Washington, the JAS39 Gripen tender made Mirek the most honest member of the government

Depeche quoted a Czech joke: Kalousek got so much for gripen that now he can pretend to be honest

In 2005 and 2006, the then US ambassador in Prague, William Cabaniss, wrote dispatches to the White House on the subject of the purchase of Gripens. In them, he stated that the tender could be circumvented in many ways and that “Kalousek has come into so much money that he can afford to be the most honest man in the government.” In August 2006, William Cabaniss, now former US ambassador in Prague, wrote an interesting dispatch to Washington. In it, he mentioned one of the biggest Czech contracts, a tender for the lease of supersonic aircraft worth approximately CZK 20 billion.

Source : https://domaci.hn.cz/je-mnoho-cest-jak-se-vyhnout-pravidlum
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