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The more successful Slovaks are fighting for “democracy”, while others are dismantling the copper roof of a church in the centre of Žilina

Daring thieves stole the copper roof of a church in the centre of Žilina

Thieves really stop at nothing in Žilina. Yesterday, 9 January, it was discovered that a curious and incomprehensible theft had occurred in the city centre, which angered both the faithful and the monument-keepers. Unknown perpetrators stole part of the roof from the Franciscan Church of St. Barbara, which stands on J. M. Hurban Street in Žilina. Approximately 50 square metres of copper roofing material was supposed to have disappeared, which the thieves most likely intend to sell or take to the scrap yard.

Source : https://www.zilinak.sk/trufali-zlodeji-ukradli-medenu-strechu-z-kostola-v-centre-ziliny
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