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Michal from Meteopress describes the Czech development in a video interview, you don’t need a thousand people, just steal someone else’s technology

The Czechs have adapted a weather radar from a boat and are now conquering the world with it

Michal Najman from Meteopress. He describes how nobody wanted to sell him a weather radar, so he made his own. Meteopress sold weather data to media houses in the 1990s. After 2000, interest declined and so did the margins the company took. So they needed to find another way to market themselves. They found it. We started with radar 15 years ago for the reason that we had hard-to-find data in the places we needed it.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/ceske-radary-od-meteopressu-jedou-konkurenci-drti-technologii-i-cenou

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