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Rather cold and hungry, 13 Africans suddenly left the Balková Nature Reserve (Horní Střela) at the end of February

Migrants from Africa have escaped from the Balková facility, six of them have already been detained by police

Thirteen migrants escaped from the detention facility for migrants in Bálková in the Pilsen Region on Tuesday evening. Six of them have already been apprehended and police are searching for the others. A helicopter has also been deployed. “A total of 13 foreigners escaped, six of whom were apprehended during the night hours. We are searching for the other seven,” said Josef Urban, spokesman for the foreigners’ police, on Wednesday morning. The foreigners are mostly from North Africa and are being held in the facility because of the implementation of administrative deportation to their country of origin, not because they are suspected of committing crimes, police said on Twitter.

Balková Upper Střela
Branch to the almost extinct village of Balková
Source : https://www.lidovky.cz/domov/policie-patra-po-migrantech-na-uteku-ze-zachytneho-zarizeni-balkova
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