The word desolate used for disinformers is not a swear word, but a description
The popular term used to describe the protagonists of the disinformation scene – first the anti-Russians, after the transition the anti-vaxxers, and after another transformation the Russian cockroaches – is not a swear word. In fact, it’s a pretty decent label when we take a closer look at the life stories of the loudest and most vocal representatives of the disinformation scene. Whether organizers of demonstrations for free electricity, or those who harassed famous doctors with impunity during the epidemic but have gone so over the top with their calls for violence that they’re doing time for it.
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Wife of Jiří X. Dolezal’s wife on the cause of the divorce.
A surprise awaited the viewers of Metropol Television on the first day of the new year. Journalist Jiří X. Doležal and his wife Alexandra announced shortly after midnight on live TV that they were getting divorced. The couple broadcast their show on Prague TV and explained to the cameras why they decided to divorce and also signed a property settlement agreement.
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