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The statement that Czechs feel robbed is not true, on the contrary, they enjoy buying goods more expensive than in Germany

Czechs feel robbed, cut to the bone, the authorities have failed on food prices, says Pikora

Czechs feel robbed at food prices, but they have got used to it. “If they were to go abroad and see that the same goods are cheaper where they are paid three times as much, then suddenly there would be more social pressure,” economist Vladimír Pikora said on CNN Prima NEWS’ 360° program. He also cited retailers’ margins as a reason for the price hikes, as well as the need for the supervisory authorities to start functioning.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/ceny-potravin-ekonom-pikora-jansky-zdrazovani-cesko-dph-antimonopolni-urad-vlada-regulace-zahranici
Germans fight monopolistic practices of chains, Czechs enjoy expensive prices

A number of chains operate in the country. However, their practices are increasingly suspicious. Why do they know how to put a proper ‘crackdown’ on them abroad, while in our country they are not doing so at all? Chains rule the Czech Republic The first supermarket opened in the Czech Republic in 1991. It was the Mana chain of the Dutch company Ahold. However, in 1999 these original establishments were merged with the discount chain Sesam.

Source : https://medium.seznam.cz/jaroslav-kral-nemci-monopolni-praktiky-retezcu-potiraji-cesi-se-mit-dobre-nechteji
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