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Politicians tolerate mass insults and humiliation of political opponents of the government on social networks, more than 1/2 of men do not want to join army

Why don’t Czechs want to join the army? It has to do with trust in the state, says political scientist

The Czech Republic has been plunged into a debate on compulsory conscription and military service, sparked by a statement by Chief of the General Staff Karel Rehka. This is despite the fact that Defence Minister Jana Černochová of the ODS rejects such a possibility. What plays a crucial role in this discussion? Forty-five percent of Czechs disagree with the draft, while 43 percent of those surveyed are definitely or definitely in favour.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/povest-armady-se-lepsi-ale-nove-lidi-spis-nelaka-proc
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