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Czechoslovak analogue 1970, jet plane pulled by steam locomotive

It wasn’t a calamity today! Look at March 1970

The extreme cold of 1970 called for extreme measures. While in Dvůr Králové or Brno there were still snowdrifts of more than half a metre in March, railwaymen were thawing the tracks with the help of an engine from a military MIG. The advantage of the device was its immediate efficiency. The water from the melted snow often flowed back into the sensitive points of the switches, where it froze again.

Czechoslovak analogue 1970, jet plane pulled by steam locomotive
Czechoslovak analogue 1970, jet plane pulled by steam locomotive
Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/dnes-neni-kalamita-v-breznu-1970-vyhybky-v-cesku-rozmrazoval-tryskac
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