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A cultural event in the village of Červená Voda went wrong, a car flew out of a field and crashed into the crowd, the driver was drinking 2 promiles

He crashed his car into a crowd of people in Šariš, injuring six. He was arrested on the run and blew more than 2 per mille

Among the six injured are three children who suffered the most serious injuries. The incident happened in the village of Červená Voda in the Sabinov district. The rescuers’ operations centre sent two rescue helicopters and three ambulances to the scene. The helicopters transported two children to the hospital. The paramedics are currently registering 6 injured persons, including three children. The intervention is still ongoing,” the operations centre later added. One child was transported to a hospital in Košice by helicopter with an intracranial injury.

Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/autom-narazil-do-davu-ludi-na-sarisi-siestich-zranil-na-uteku-ho-zadrzali-a-nafukal-viac-ako-2-promile/
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