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President of the Constitutional Court publicly congratulated the winner of the election, journalist explains why it’s OK

Rychetský has escaped, Babiš is not a “lie and hatred”. And the media didn’t cheer Pavel

Andrej Babiš’s (ANO) campaign was sharp and raw. After his defeat, there were opinions that many in the media were rooting for Petr Pavel and that this was destroying trust in the journalistic community. Similarly, the President of the Constitutional Court, Pavel Rychetský, was criticised for the way he congratulated the winner after the election. MP Martin Kolovratník (ANO) even called on him to resign. Mr Rychetsky’s statement, which publicly congratulated the new President and defined himself against Andrej Babiš, is scandalous. The President of the Court is supposed to be absolutely non-political, unbiased and impartial.

Source : https://nazory.aktualne.cz/rychetsky-ujel-babis-neni-lez-a-nenavist/
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