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The Chval school lost a plasterboard ceiling in one of its classrooms, ignored the golden Czech hands and fell

A plasterboard ceiling fell in the school, the teacher got the children out of the classroom in time

The plasterboard ceiling collapsed today in the Chvalská school in Stoliňská Street in Hornopochernice. The incident was avoided without injuries, the children were evacuated outside the school building. Rescuers took care of a teacher and three children in shock. The incident occurred shortly before 1pm. Firefighters sent two units to the scene. “In Horní Počernice we are intervening at a fallen plasterboard ceiling in a school,” firefighters wrote on Platform X shortly after 1pm, adding that no one was injured.

Source : https://www.idnes.cz/horni-pocernice-skola-pad-sadrokarton-strop-hasici
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