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State coffers pay the chamber of commerce for the I eat meat campaign, but we consume twice as much meat as the Swiss

I eat meat for state money campaign: experts say it is one-sided, exaggerates the pros and is silent on the cons

According to the promotional campaign, meat processing is simple and costs only grazing and slaughterhouses. However, experts point out that there is no mention, for example, of the negative impact of animal farming on greenhouse gas emissions. The Chamber of Agriculture, which represents around 100 000 agricultural entrepreneurs, has launched a campaign promoting meat consumption called I eat meat. The campaign, entitled ‘I’m a meat eater and I’m not ashamed of it’, consists of setting up a website, publishing articles and advertisements and organising press conferences. It cost over CZK 4 million, the vast majority of which – CZK 3.7 million – was paid for by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/kampan-zeru-maso-za-statni-penize-podle-expertu-je-jednostranna-zvelicuje-plusy-a-o-minusech-mlci
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