A homeless woman set fire to a cooker in her tent, the explosion seriously burned her
A woman suffered burns on up to 60 percent of her body at a homeless camp in Plzeň. According to police, she lit an alcohol stove in her tent, which exploded. A helicopter flew to pick up the injured woman. A cooker exploded in a homeless colony in Plzeň’s Vinice district. The woman suffered burns over 60 percent of her body. Firefighters responded to the incident in the area inhabited by the homeless, between the Privamed hospital and the football field in the Vinice district, just before eleven o’clock.
Source : https://www.idnes.cz/plzen/bezdomovci-vinice-exploze-varic-popaleniny-hasici-pozar
Americans are moving into caravans. They’re resigning themselves to the consumerist American dream
Thousands of Americans live in RVs and trailers. Real estate prices are so high in some cities that people have no choice. Many employers are responding to the new trend. Sixty-two-year-old Bob Wells is the modern-day apostle of the “workamping” movement. A lifestyle that combines work, living in a car and camping. He divorced 20 years ago and was practically broke. With the last of his money, he bought a used van and started living in it.
Source : https://www.peak.cz/americane-se-stehuji-karavanu-rezignuji-konzumni-americky-sen/