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Want to get your money from home? You need to buy a new Windows operating system or computer!

People with old Windows will not be able to access the Internet “bank” in Spořitelna

Clients of Česká spořitelna who use older Windows operating systems will not be able to access their internet banking from the end of February this year. Thousands of people will have to deal with the system change. “Sorry, from the end of February 2023 you will no longer be able to log in to George on your computer. This is because it uses an outdated version of the operating system,” warns one of Česká spořitelna’s clients by a message in his internet banking.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/lide-se-starymi-windows-se-ve-sporitelne-nedostanou-do-internetove-banky
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