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Average penetration rate of battery electric vehicles, ACEA publishes EU real wealth ranking

Average penetration rate of battery electric vehicles (BEVs)

The average penetration rate of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) among new passenger cars sold in European countries in 2023 was 15.72%. In 2023, the most significant adoption is observed in: Norway 82.38%, Iceland 50.06%, Sweden 38.72%. Honourable mentions go to Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands, which had BEV adoption rates higher than 30% ! The most significant one-year increases in 2023 occurred in: Iceland +16.7%, Finland +16%, Denmark +15.5. In the last four years, Iceland has seen a sharp increase in the BEV share, from less than 10% to just over 50%. Hopefully other countries will soon emulate Iceland’s progress.

Battery electric vehicle penetration rate
BEV penetration rates in the EU
Zdroj: https://twitter.com/electric_nick_/status/1748044177059828089
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