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Avast to pay for abuse of 100 million clients, information on sexual orientation, GPS location, MAC address and more costs 3 crowns per user

Czech Avast fined a record 350 million crowns for selling personal data

Avast was fined CZK 350 million by the Office for Personal Data Protection for indirectly selling personal data through its subsidiary Jumpshot. The company and the authority declined to comment on the situation. Global Data Review reported on the fine. Czech technology company Avast has been fined CZK 350m (EUR 13.7m) by the Office for Personal Data Protection (OPPD), Global Data Review reports. The latter specialises in the law and regulation of data use and trade worldwide.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/za-prodej-osobnich-udaju-dostal-cesky-avast-rekordni-pokutu-350-milionu-korun
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