He lost his libido, gained breasts. Medication for the mentally disabled in the Czech Republic
Chemical castration of men with intellectual disabilities. Some time ago, the Respekt weekly investigated why Czech sexologists continue to prescribe the drug Androcur, which can have very significant side effects. In 2022, almost 650 people diagnosed with mental retardation were given it, according to data from the Institute of Mental Retardation requested by Respekt. A topic for the author of the text, Petr Třešňák, otherwise also chairman of the Children of the Full Moon association, and Petr Eisner, social educator of the Nebuď na nulle organisation. Matěj Skalický asks.
Source : https://plus.rozhlas.cz/prisel-o-libido-ziskal-prsa-medikace-mentalne-postizenych-v-cesku