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Saša had to leave his warm place in Aeroholding after 5 months, the ODS voters, used to everything, did not give a damn

Vondra’s above-standard trafika has angered people on the internet! Vulgar words were flying

Today it was revealed that another ODS politician who was shot will sit on the supervisory board of Aeroholding. He will get a trafika with a very above-standard salary. No wonder there are very vulgar words on the internet. Ivan Fuksa /ODS/ has already taken up residence in Aeroholding. He became famous for his rebellion against the tax package, when he spoke out against Nečas at the ODS congress and ran for party chief. He was unsuccessful, resigned from the parliamentary mandate and got a job as a director in this state-owned company.

Source : https://eurozpravy.cz/nadstandardni-trafika-vondry-rozzlobila-lidi-na-internetu-letala-vulgarni-slova
End of the trafic. Vondra and the rebel Fuksa were dismissed from Czech Aeroholding

Ivan Fuksa, a former rebel MP for ODS, will leave the board of directors of Czech Aeroholding. He was removed from his position by the Ministry of Finance on 30 November. Former defence minister Alexandr Vondra (ODS) and Jiří Blažek (TOP 09) will also quit the supervisory board of the state-owned company. The third member to leave the Supervisory Board of Aeroholding is Petr Minařík, an employee representative, who will resign at the end of November.

Source : https://www.lidovky.cz/konec-trafiky-vondra-a-rebel-fuksa-byli-odvolani-z-ceskeho-aeroholdingu
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