Half of teenagers in Slovakia have experience with corruption, survey shows
The survey showed that family-style family life, academic dishonesty and petty bribes in the health sector are the most commonly perceived forms of corruption among young people. Half of teenagers in Slovakia have experienced corruption. This is according to a survey conducted on high school students by the Whistleblower Protection Office (WPO) in cooperation with the National Institute of Education and Youth. In response to these findings, the Office developed alternative content for ethics education. It is to be pilot tested in selected secondary schools during the current school year. TASR was informed about this by Natália Pindrochová, Director of the Prevention and Communication Department of the Office of Education.
Source : https://www.aktuality.sk/polovica-tinedzerov-na-slovensku-ma-skusenosti-s-korupciou-ukazal-prieskum/