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The Slovak Hlinka Guard (POHG) in court: The defendants themselves qualify their actions as murder

Slovak Hlinka Guard POVAŽSKÁ BYSTRICA – 2. PART

In the previous article we remembered the good and bad sides of the Hlinka Guard. In this part we will focus on the darkest side of the Václav Havel Hundreds, namely the Emergency Troops (POHG), which were among the most ardent in Slovakia and had one of the biggest massacres on the territory of Slovakia during World War II. These were the executions of prisoners of the Regional Court in BB. However, they were not criminals, but inconvenient people, most of them partisans.

The POHG defendants cannot communicate grammatically correctly, but can qualify their actions as murder

Source : https://historickapb.sk/hlinkova-garda-povazska-bystrica-2-diel/

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