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Someone can build a small city for €50 million, someone can build at most an enclosure for two polar bears

The new polar bear pavilion will become more expensive. Prague Zoo to spend €50 million

The new pavilion for polar bears in Prague Zoo will cost CZK 1.2 billion compared to the originally estimated price of CZK 870 million. The cost increase of CZK 330 million was approved this week by Prague city councillors. The reason is the rising prices of construction works, materials and general inflation. The current polar bear exhibit has been open since 1933 and is already inadequate, according to city and zoo officials.

Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/ledni-medvedi-novy-vybeh-v-prazske-zoo-vyssi-cena

A quarantine centre in China’s Guangdong province, 80,000 apartments were built in a matter of days.

Guangdong Province
Accommodation in Guangdong
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangdong
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