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ODS regains the Pardubice City Hall thanks to a transfer to ANO, they showed them how it should be done

Raid in Pardubice: Former official threw €1 million to his company, police say

Why did the police make arrests in Pardubice? Seznam Zprávy has learned that detectives are investigating nine contracts worth millions that they believe were rigged. The winner was known in advance, other companies were just doing bushwhacking. Nine public contracts worth millions, all following the same model: a winner chosen behind the scenes – all with the help of city hall officials. On Tuesday, police officers from the National Headquarters against Organized Crime charged 19 people and two companies precisely because of the contract machinations at the Pardubice City Hall.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/razie-v-pardubicich-byvaly-urednik-prihral-sve-firme-24-milionu-pise-policie
Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/babis-pardubicky-magistrat-ano-ods-charvat-drenek
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