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National Heritage Institute returns the entire subsidy of €13 million, the repair of the hospital Kuks Trutnovsko was corrupt

The conservationists had to return the €13 million subsidy for the Kuks reconstruction due to contract rigging

The National Heritage Institute (NMI) had to return a CZK 314 million subsidy from European funds and national sources for the repair of the Baroque complex in Kuks in the Trutnov region. This was reported on Friday by Czech Television (ČT), which was told by the regional director of the National Institute Miloš Kadlec. The courts sent three men to prison for rigging the contract for the reconstruction of the hospital, including a former NPÚ employee, while a fourth defendant received a suspended sentence. The contract for the revitalisation of Kuks cost more than 322 million crowns, most of it paid for by the European Union. The tender was won by Gema Art Group in 2013.

Source : https://www.irozhlas.cz/kuks-vraceni-dotaci
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