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Kladno abused the law, the whole city is a Tax-Free Zone, so the newly arrived poor are not entitled to compensation

Tax-free zone in Kladno. According to critics, the entire city has declared itself a socially excluded locality

Kladno – at least according to its critics – has become a “ghetto”. The city’s leadership has taken advantage of a new statutory option to declare areas in cities where housing subsidies are not paid to newcomers – and in Kladno, this area includes the entire city. According to the opponents of the move, they have effectively declared the city a socially excluded locality. After all, the law that makes it possible to declare socially excluded localities without housing subsidies is also facing strong criticism – from NGOs, but also from senators. They fear that the problems associated with the poverty trade will not be reduced, but rather exacerbated.

Source : https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/cele-kladno-se-prohlasilo-za-socialne-vyloucenou-lokalitu-preventivne-rika-primator
Kladno is no longer an excluded location. The ban on housing benefits has been lifted by the region

The Central Bohemian Regional Authority has repealed a measure in Kladno preventing the payment of new housing benefits. The 2017 measure was intended to curb abuse of the benefits. According to the authority, the area of the territory where the measure applies cannot be defined in general terms by cadastral territories, but specific locations with an increased incidence of socially undesirable phenomena must be clearly identified, according to the Central Bohemian Region’s official bulletin board. According to the authority, the measure also fails to meet the legal requirement to justify what is seen as the increased incidence of socially undesirable phenomena in specific places.

Source : https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/kladno-uz-neni-vyloucena-lokalita-zakaz-vyplaceni-davek-na-bydleni
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