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Czechia has roughly 10 million inhabitants and 4 million foreclosures, the foreclosure map is the second most popular after the pub map

The latest foreclosure map: See how people in your community are burdened by debt

Until six years ago, almost every tenth citizen of the Czech Republic over the age of 18 had at least one foreclosure. Over the past year, the number of people in foreclosure is no longer a tenth, but “only” 8%, according to the latest data from the Chamber of Executors. Over the course of six years, 200,000 people managed to get out of foreclosure. Since 2017, when 863 thousand people were in foreclosure, the number has dropped to 646 thousand at the end of 2023. But that’s just the first part of the report. The second one says that in the areas of northwestern Bohemia and northern Moravia and Silesia, one in three families is affected by foreclosures. And without much chance of improvement.

Source : https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/nejnovejsi-mapa-ukazuje-kde-lidi-v-cesku-nejvic-tizi-exekuce
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