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The state can’t even take care of the park of the Czernin Kozel Castle, it will cash everyone who enters it, including the homeless

Attractive park of Kozel Castle will be toll-free from spring, visitors will be subject to random checks

The popular park at the Kozel State Chateau near Pilsen will no longer be free of charge from spring. But the local administration has opted for an unconventional solution – no barriers, just a ticket machine and random checks. “For the first time in history we will charge for the park,” castellan Jan Polívka told Právo. This measure has already been blessed by the National Heritage Institute. “If we want to ensure the maintenance of the park, which accounts for half of our budget, at least to the same extent as in the past, this is an inevitable step.

Source : https://www.novinky.cz/atraktivni-park-zamku-kozel-bude-od-jara-zpoplatneny-na-navstevniky-cekaji-nahodne-kontroly
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