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Lawyers need to raise their fees, like a dentist, communication with the state can put a person in debt

Attorneys’ fees are to increase by up to two-thirds from July. It will cost the state half a billion a year

The President of the Czech Bar Association, Robert Němec, and the Minister of Justice, Pavel Blažek, have agreed on the increase in lawyer tariffs. After seventeen years, the regulation that sets the price of lawyers’ services should be updated. Justice Minister Pavel Blažek (ODS) and the Board of the Czech Bar Association agreed on this. As a result of inflation and rising prices in both the justice and energy sectors, the need for an increase is urgent,” said Robert Němec, chairman of the Czech Bar Association. According to the agreement with the justice minister, the increase should follow inflation, which has been 66 percent since 2006.

Source : https://archiv.hn.cz/advokatum-se-maji-od-cervence-zvednout-odmeny-az-o-dve-tretiny-stat-to-prijde-na-pul-miliardy-rocne
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